What are the best tips for treating sunburn?

How many of us have traveled or gone on weekends and suddenly without knowing why we forgot to properly protect ourselves from the sun and ended up burning?
And what about the bad moment when you suffer from a burn and your skin hurts?
Being proactive will help avoid moments of pain, situations and even days of suffering.
Prevention is always better than cure.
The first days of vacation on a beach getaway can have disastrous consequences on all holidays.
We do not realize it but the first rays of the sun that touch our skin, are more important than the others since it is when our skin is the most sensitive. We want to enjoy high temperatures and expose our skin (regardless of color) without adequate protection.
You must always protect yourself properly, all skin and all ages are sensitive to the sun. It is not because you are twenty years old that the sun will not hurt you, or that you will be more used to it. You must always protect yourself.
Whether with sun creams, hats, clothes, plenty of hydration or avoid long exposure to the sun in the hottest hours, you can enjoy your free time without consequences. Our skin has memory.
But imagine that you have unfortunately got a sunburn, here are some tips and remedies with which you can heal sunburns faster.
Stay away from the sun: avoid contact with the sun so you do not dehydrate and burn even more. It’s important to cover your body with clothes, hats, caps, and if you’re outside always, do not forget your parasol!
Hydration: After a burn, you must hydrate yourself with water so that the body regains balance and can better regenerate the skin. Drinking plenty of water or fruit juice mixed with mineral water will help and speed up the healing process.
Aloe Vera: This plant has multiple benefits and in this case it will feed the burned area, it also has great potential for the regeneration of the skin. Another of its functions is that it will refresh your skin and it will be appreciated.
Whole milk: This homemade thing will be very useful. You dip a rag in cold whole milk (it must be whole) and put it on the burn. Let stand for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Its high fat content will help regenerate the area.
Medications: If you have a lot of pain and trouble (you should always go to the doctor for a personalized diagnosis) sometimes ibuprofen and aspirin will help to calm the pain of burning.
With these tips, you will be able to heal more quickly the effects of sunburn in summer. During our visits, we will always comment on the need for proper creams, clothing and accessories for proper sun protection.
It is very important to know how to choose your proper sunscreen to enjoy your sightseeing and your vacation at one hundred percent.