Where to buy organic products in Barcelona?

If anything characterizes the city of Barcelona, it is on top of the latest trends and by that, I mean at the gastronomic level. A city, up-to-date on all the latest developments in health and healthy food.
They appear as mushrooms in the fall, dozens of new restaurants (https://excursionsbarcelona.com/?s=vegetarian) that focus on healthy cuisines and organic products in Barcelona.
Healthy food has a price but health is priceless. The opportunity to choose organic products, without pesticides or chemicals, will give you a much better quality of life.
OBBIO: Located on Muntaner Street, you can not only buy organic products, but also attend workshops and classes, buy and get to know the world of natural cosmetics and, most importantly, a list of delicious dishes to take home. .obbiofood.com
I LOVE FOOD: This company not only has a shop in Barcelona, but it also thought for people who can not get to the city for lack of time or proximity. You can order baskets of organic products and receive them at home. Of course, if you go through the store, you will find a group of professional nutritionists who will advise you on everything you need. www.ilovefood.es
TRIBU WOKI: As the protagonists of this idea say, this business is not just a group of supermarkets or restaurants, it’s a way of living. They want to help you live better and healthier and work hard to make it happen. In its stores you can find the famous organic market, which are scattered around the city of Barcelona. www.tribuwoki.com
VERITAS: We could say that it is the best known of all the supermarkets of organic products of the city. They have several stores, but you can also buy online. If you can not find a specific product, you can certainly find it there. www.veritas.es
VIDA MEVA: With their slogan, everything is said. “Authentic ecological food grows in the sun and with the rhythm of the earth and not the one of man”. They have a physical store and a website and you can reserve your basket of ecological products nearby. vidameva.com
Now you have no excuse to eat rich and healthy. With these stores that promote the consumption of organic and local products www.excursionsbarcelona.com/catalan-restaurants, healthy food is within your reach.
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