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What to do in Barcelona

Boy cycles along the beach boardwalk.

Barcelona is a very beautiful city with a diverse culture and rich history. There are several sun soaked beaches with an unparalleled architecture and Mediterranean hospitality. So if you are planning on visiting the city for an upcoming holiday, you might want to consider what to do in Barcelona. A few famous places to help you set up a good plan in this regard are discussed below for your convenience and understanding.

La Boqueria

La Boqueria may be referred to as the most popular and famous food market in the entire world. It attracts the attentions of almost 45000 visitors every day. There are several reasons behind this massive popularity of this food market. There are countless food stalls that offer different kinds of food items belonging to different parts of the world. These include the finest seafood, charcuteries and cheeses from different continents of the world. In short, if you are looking for what to do in Barcelona, hitting the La Boqueria would be a good place to start from.

Santa Maria Del Mar

If you are a fan of the antique Barcelona architecture, paying the Santa Maria Del Mar a visit would be a great choice. This marvelous piece of architecture underwent its construction in the 14th century and it has been here since then. The originality of most part of the architecture is still intact. In case you are looking for what to do in Barcelona upon your next visit, going to the Santa Maria Del Mar is highly recommended.

Las Ramblas

A full fledge Barcelona tour is always incomplete without checking out the Las Ramblas. It basically is a spacious boulevard that goes through the core of the city, starting from the Placa de Catalunya and all the way to the Port Vell. Regardless of what mood you are going through, you would never be able to experience any dull moment in the Las Ramblas. Therefore, it must be included in your check list during your next visit to Barcelona.

Barri Gotic

As far as the Gothic architecture is concerned, there is simply no place on the entire earth that might be able to beat the Barri Gotic on any grounds. Barri Gotic comprises of the most ancient part of Barcelona and every single thing in that vicinity comes with an ancient history. So in case you are wondering about what to do in Barcelona, checking the Barri Gotic out is a must.
Join our Free Gothic Walking Tour for this great experience.

Park Guell

Park Guell is a true representation of Gaudi’s finest work on account of urban planning. It makes use of the Collserola foothills as the basic canvas and the entire structure of the park appears to be a beautiful extension of those beautiful hills. The columns constructed there rise up like the trunks of the trees while the arches appear like they are openings to caves. In short the Park Guell is a place that would remain engraved in your mind for the rest of your life.

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